Community Lunches
Our community lunches run from 12pm on a Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at the Kyle Centre. We offer a home cooked, balanced, two course meal followed by tea and coffee. Our community lunches are open to everyone and provide a great opportunity to get together and socialise. If you require transport to the Kyle Centre please let us know – we can organise this through our local community transport organisation Transport for Tongue Ltd.
Meals on Wheels:
Freshly prepared, nutritious hot meals are delivered by our volunteers three days a week – on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. This is a targeted service, aimed at those living in Tongue and the surrounding area, who may have difficulty coming into the Kyle Centre for lunch on those days. Referrals to the service frequently come from the Community Nursing Team but, if you know of someone who would benefit from this service, or you would like to access the hot meal delivery service yourself, please get in touch on or telephone us 01847 611392.
Please let us know of any dietary requirements or allergies if you are attending one of our community lunches.