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Our Story

North Coast Connection evolved from a working group which formed when the community came together in response to the imminent closure of the local day care service. This statutory service, which had been operating five days a week at the Kyle Centre in Tongue for the previous 17 years, closed in April 2012. By this time North Coast Connection had achieved charitable status becoming a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation a short time later. North Coast Connection took over the building as an asset transfer from The Highland Council in April 2012 and have a service level agreement with NHS Highland to run a community health and well-being hub based at the Kyle Centre. Included in our activities is a community lunch club operating three days a week, which enabled all the previous day care clients to attend with accessible transport provided by our local community transport organisation, Transport for Tongue Ltd (T4T). 


In April 2017 we completed a major refurbishment and extension of the Kyle Centre (picture of new Kyle Centre). Our principal funder for this ambitious project was the National Lottery Community Fund (formerly the Big Lottery Fund) with additional funding from Climate Challenge Fund and Caithness and North Sutherland Fund. Smaller grants were obtained from NHS, Age Scotland, Santander, Highland Cross and the Edinburgh Sutherland Association.


The refurbishment and extension have enabled North Coast Connection to:

· Improve the access to and facilities within the Kyle Centre particularly for those with mobility problems

· Increase the capacity of the lunch club

· Provide an excellent venue for the whole community, with a variety of activities able to take place simultaneously

· Open up the Kyle Centre to the beautiful surroundings, providing a village place to sit and chat, bringing new people in who have joined in with other activities

· Have a low carbon building using renewable energy and with energy efficient lighting, windows and doors​

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